What are the default admin GUI login credentials?

The CipherMail gateway and Webmail Messenger by default uses PAM authentication. You can login with the root acount or any system account which is member of the wheel group or the sudo group.

What are the default SSH and console login credentials?





After the first login, you are required to change the password.

I forgot the GUI admin password. How can I reset the password?

The admin GUI password can only be reset if you have local access to the machine (i.e., either via SSH or directly on the console).

The procedure differs between the gateway and Webmail Messenger.

CipherMail Gateway

You can reset the admin password to the default password with the following command:

echo "UPDATE cm_admin SET cm_password='admin', cm_password_encoding='0', cm_salt='' where cm_username='admin';" | sudo mysql djigzo

Webmail Messenger

You can reset the admin password to the default password with the following command:

echo "UPDATE cm_admin SET cm_password='admin', cm_password_encoding='0', cm_salt='' where cm_username='admin';" | sudo mysql ciphermail-webmail

The gateway comes with no certificates installed. Why is that?

Which certificate authorities should be trusted by the gateway is something the administrator should decide. The gateway therefore does not come pre-configured with any root certificates. During the Encryption setup wizard you are asked whether you want to import the system default trusted root certificates. This is a list of root certificates from the Mozilla CA list.

What is the root password of the Virtual appliance?

The root password is by default disabled. Use sudo if you need to execute commands which require root access.